Marketplace Payouts

Build advanced split payments for marketplaces and platforms without the hassle.

Paygrid provides Payment Service Providers (PSPs) with the infrastructure to build efficient payout systems for marketplace platforms. This allows PSPs to offer their marketplace customers the ability to handle multi-party transactions, split payments, and bulk payouts using both traditional and blockchain-based methods.

Key Features:

  • Split payment automation: Easily divide payments between multiple parties based on predefined rules.

  • Bulk payout processing: Efficiently handle large volumes of payouts in a single batch.

  • Multi-currency support: Process payouts in various digital currencies, stablecoins, or fiat currencies in the same flow. (eg $100 settles as $50 in USDC to one party, and $50 in USD fiat-off ramp to another party).

  • Automated currency conversion: Built-in swapping to convert between different currencies as needed.

  • Flexible payout automations: Set up recurring, delayed, or condition-based payouts.

  • Real-time transaction tracking: Monitor the status of all payouts in real-time.

  • Compliance tools: Features to help PSPs and marketplaces meet regulatory requirements for payouts.

Example: A PSP wants to offer an advanced payout solution for a large e-commerce marketplace. Using Paygrid, they can:

  1. Integrate Paygrid's APIs into their existing payment infrastructure.

  2. When a customer makes a purchase, the PSP uses Paygrid to: a. Split the payment between the marketplace and the seller based on agreed-upon percentages.

  3. Once the order is complete, Paygrid can automatically convert and processes the payout to the seller's designated wallet or bank account. And if needed split the payouts to multiple parties with a mix of crypto and fiat settlement.

  4. The PSP can offer additional services like consolidated reporting and tax documentation support.

This implementation allows PSPs to provide marketplace clients with a flexible, efficient payout system that can handle complex payment structures without building the entire infrastructure from scratch.

Last updated