Payment SDKs


The best way to interact with our API is to use one of our official SDK libraries.

Use our SDK to streamline the Paygrid API integration to:

  • Create and manage wallet accounts for your users

  • Create, process and manage payment flows

  • Schedule recurring payments from any source to destination network

  • Instant payment notification events

const paygrid = require(‘paygrid’)(YOUR_API_KEY);
const payment = await paygrid.payment.create({
  amount: 3190,
  to: [‘0x5A23286F9ee24F6FE04b8f98EB3d68894b62b434’]
  src_network_id: 137,
  dst_network_id: 1,
  payment_token: ‘polygon-usdc’,
  signature: 0xc843bd63ee97775...,
  metadata: {}

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