Paygrid API
The Paygrid API provides a comprehensive suite of APIs for managing payment workflows and payment intent processing across multiple blockchain networks.
The API key you use to authenticate the request determines whether the request is live mode or testnet mode. You can use the Paygrid API in sandbox testnet mode, which doesn’t affect your live data or interact with the blockchain mainnet networks. Testnet mode is currently not supported for cross-chain flows.
Paygrid core APIs provide a suite of interconnected-APIs to streamline and manage the payment lifecycle.
Payment Intent API: The core of payment workflows, the Payment Intent API is chain-abstracted and manages the entire lifecycle of payments. From clearing to final settlements on blockchain networks while allowing for easy payment status tracking.
Corridor Pricing API: This API allows you to fetch in real-time cross-chain payment routes, fees and estimated speed of execution. It only requires a source wallet address and destination network(s) and/or token(s). It abstracts all fees under a single corridor fee. This fee is a configurable charge bearer setting to determine which party will cover the fees.
Operator API (COMING SOON): This API allows PSP operators to register and manage their integrations and global settings for seamless onboarding.
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