
Let's get you started quickly

🔑 Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key is unauthorized.

You can request an API key by filling this form.

💰 Make your first payment

To process your first payment, simply send a request to the payment transactions endpoint and include your API Key as indicated in the example below. This will create and process a new payment transfer.

Take a look at how you might call the payment endpoint using curl:

curl --location 'https://sandbox.paygrid.co/v1/transactions/payments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [PAYGRID_API_KEY]' \
--data-raw '{
    "amount": 120,
    "source": {
        "network_id": 137,
        "payment_token": "POLYGON_USDC",
        "from_address": "0x0AB796b0Db4333EF2fFaC835a1e05C75E0c119D4"
    "destination": {
        "network_id": 137,
        "payment_token": "POLYGON_USDC",
        "to_address": "0x0AB796b0Db4333EF2fFaC835a1e05C75E0c119D4"
    "reference_id": "INVOICE-LH9876543",
    "fiat_denomination": "USD",
    "metadata": {
        "invoice_id": "invoice-id",
        "payer_details": {
            "email": "customer@example.com",
            "name": "John Doan"

🚀 Management Dashboard

You can manage your developer integrations in the dashboard and, keep track of all payment transactions. Start your registration here Paygrid Dashboard

Last updated