Why Chain Abstracted Payments?

Understanding the difference between building your own multi-chain payment stack with custom components and using Paygrid's chain-abstracted infrastructure is crucial. Here's how Paygrid flips the payment process in favor of operators who do the hard work of facilitating the payment:



Custom multi-chain stack

User Experience

Consistent across chains and wallets

Varies by chain and wallet

Chain Abstraction

Seamless cross-chain payments

Requires manual bridging, and manually supporting new networks

Operator Tools

Operator specific tools

None, custom built

Cost Efficiency

Optimized for each payment type

One-size-fits-all approach

MEV Protection

Built-in protection

Exposed to MEV attacks


Customizable workflow framework

Custom built


Configurable checks or bring your own provider

Custom or provider specific

RPC Infrastructure

Provided and abstracted

Generalized RPCs, with in-house fallback solutions

Time to market

Fast: Use a workflow and test new products faster

Slow: Build, test and maintain custom workflows

How are chain-abstracted payments better?

  • Better User Experience:

    • Simplified Process: Connect wallet, choose token, sign intent with no gas fees required.

    • Gas Abstraction: Operators have freedom to choose who will cover the fees and it can be paid by the same payment token or another ERC20.

    • Wallet-Agnostic: Works with existing EOAs and smart contract wallets.

  • Pull Payments Model:

    • Infrastructure Handles Complexity: Users aren't burdened with bridging or swapping.

    • Instant Action: Funds are fronted instantly, settled later.

  • Intent-Based Transactions:

    • Focus on Outcomes: Specify desired results, not execution paths.

    • Cross-chain by default: Allows for optimal routes and better execution that are generally available only to the most well-funded and sophisticated players.

  • Optimal Execution and MEV Protection:

    • Private pool: Protects from negative MEV attacks.

    • Competitive Solving: Leads to better execution and pricing.

    • Payment clearing mechanisms: Reduces costs and increases efficiency.

    • Custom execution paths based on payment needs

  • Lower Latency and Failure Rates:

    • Avoids Bridge Delays: Transactions aren't directly interacting with fragile bridges.

    • Dedicated Nodes: Transactions are processed through dedicated Paygrid nodes that do nothing else but your payments for improved reliability.

  • Atomic Intent Execution:

    • All-or-Nothing: Either the entire intent is executed, or nothing happens.

    • User Assurance: Prevents partial executions and ensures consistency.

    • Fallback Mechanisms: Execution defaults to standard methods, matching current industry practices.

Last updated