The SDK is currently in BETA version. Feel free to report any issues or feedback you might have here.
The Paygrid Network SDK provides developers with a chain-abstracted payment stack to build and orchestrate payment workflows. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to send your first payment intent using the SDK capabilities.
Key features:
Chain-abstracted payment processing
Cross-chain payment routing and settlement
Multi-level authorization mechanism. Approval for payments can be time-bound and scope-specific, eliminating unauthorized fund transfers and fraud.
Real-time payment status tracking
1. Install SDK & Configuration
npm install @paygrid-network/sdk
yarn add @paygrid-network/sdk
Basic Configuration (Optional) - Skip if you don't have an API Key
Before submitting a payment intent, the payer must first approve the official Permit2 canonical contract to allow Paygrid to spend their tokens in the future. For tokens that support the EIP2612 standard (like USDC and DAI), you can use gasless permit approvals instead of requiring users to submit an on-chain approval transaction.
We recommend approving a max or sufficient amount to cover future payments with the same wallet and avoid repetitive approvals. Permit2 approval mechanism is secure, contracts are immutable and ownerless. Paygrid does not hold custody of any funds and cannot pull funds from wallets at any time unless explicitly permissioned.
Benefits of EIP2612 Permits
Gasless: No need for a separate on-chain approval transaction
Better UX: Users can approve tokens with just a signature
Security: Time-bound and amount-specific permissions
Generating Token Permit Signatures
The SDK provides a method to construct and sign EIP-2612 gasless permits to make it easy for you.
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import { PaymentIntentSigner } from '@paygrid-network/sdk';
// Option 1: Get the EIP-712 permit payload (for inspection or manual signing)
const permitPayload = await PaymentIntentSigner.getTokenPermitPayload(
'USDC', // Token symbol
'ETHEREUM', // Network
'0xPayerWalletAddress', // Owner address
BigInt(ethers.constants.MaxUint256.toString()), // Value (infinite approval)
Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600, // Deadline (1 hour)
provider // ethers provider (payer's wallet)
// permitPayload contains: { domain, types, values } for EIP-712 signing
// Option 2: Generate and sign a permit in one step
const signedPermit = await PaymentIntentSigner.generateTokenPermit(
'USDC', // Token symbol
'ETHEREUM', // Network
'0xPayerWalletAddress', // Owner address
BigInt(ethers.constants.MaxUint256.toString()), // Value (default infinite approval)
Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600, // Deadline (1 hour)
signer // ethers signer (payer's wallet)
// signedPermit contains: { signature, nonce, deadline }
// 3. Use the signed permit in a payment intent
paymentIntent.authorizations.initial_permit = signedPermit;
Using the Permit with a Payment Intent
Once you have the signed permit, include it in your payment intent's authorizations:
// Create your payment intent
const paymentIntent = {
// ... payment intent details
authorizations: {
// Include the signed permit
initial_permit: signedPermit
// Sign and submit the payment intent
const response = await paygrid.signAndInitiatePaymentIntent(
Supported Tokens
Currently, the following tokens support EIP2612 permits:
USDC on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Base
DAI on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base (manual)
For tokens that don't support EIP2612 (like USDT), users will still need to perform a standard on-chain approval transaction to the Permit2 contract address:
After approving permit2 you need to generate and sign the payment intent permit2_permit authorization using EIP-712 typed data signature scheme:
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import {
} from '@paygrid-network/sdk';
// Create payment intent object
const paymentIntent: PaymentIntent = {
payment_type: PaymentType.ONE_TIME, // options: ONE_TIME, RECURRING (recurring currently not available)
routing_priority: RoutingPriority.AUTO, // options: COST, SPEED, BALANCED, AUTO
operator_data: {
id: operatorId,
operator: operatorAddress,
treasury: treasuryAddress,
fee_bps: 50 // 0.5%
webhook_url: ""
amount: 100, // 1 USD in cents
source: {
from_account: payerAddress,
network_id: 'BASE',
payment_token: 'USDC'
destination: {
to_account: receiverAddress,
network_id: 'POLYGON',
payment_token: 'USDT'
payment_reference: 'INV-319600',
metadata: {
customer_id: 'ACC_10a6c98b082b',
payment_purpose: "B2B"
// Get authorization payload for manual signing using any web3 library
const payload = paygrid.constructPaymentAuthorizationPayload(paymentIntent);
// Sign with user's wallet directly using the SDK
const authorization = await paygrid.signPaymentIntent(paymentIntent, signer);
4. Initiate a Payment Intent
Submit a signed payment intent for processing. It should include the returned authorization object from both generateTokenPermit and signPaymentIntent.
const response = await paygrid.initiatePaymentIntent({
authorizations: {
permit2_permit: authorization.permit2_permit,
initial_permit: authorization.initial_permit
console.log('Payment Intent created and released to gateway for processing:', {
status: response.status